sobota 17. apríla 2010


some pics from prague tea festival ,.

štvrtok 25. decembra 2008

happy christmas for everyone : D

streda 10. decembra 2008

golden tip 07

thats golden tip from ,this tea composed mainly by the golden tip ,.dry leaf smells like a honey. i usually prepared sheng in my yixing teapot displaying several pics below from this one ,.something about taste this one . from time to time i like black tea from assam but i dont like bitterness in the background that tea ,.(certainly you know,. this tea connect the sweetness of assam variety and tipycal sheng taste ,. and result is amazing ilike this one so much ,.i got only sample from this one but certainly i ll bougt whole cake from tealand which spread your offer,. you have to buy good teas now from this page ,. i look forward to another samplers and have a nice day all ,.

utorok 2. decembra 2008

some notes

in this blog i want to mainly sharing my passion for tea but in april i,ll move to new zealand the land of many ingredible views of nature ,. i want to take manymany pics ,. and publicing in this blog ,.

pondelok 8. septembra 2008

that s CNNP pu-erh san cha 98,.
i bought this tea from price is seven euro/50 g .

the dry leafs smell like part of honey and part of cellar due to aged this tea,.
i prepared tea at the yixing tea pot(150ml) . i used to make a tea gong fu cha - style from the ancient china ,.the liquor is very delicious without any disturbing taste or something like that ,.the taste is round and harmony . interesting of that tea is qi ,. its really amazing .

i recommended this everybody who like aged puerh ,. nice day ,.